
Sunday, 8 January 2017

New Year Update

So I was deep in research over the past few months, not returning to practical until Christmas. Since then, I've completed my Literature and Contextual review, as well as including new features in my practical work!

Here's a link to the video for how it all plays now:

So what have I added?

I've put in an attack ability for when the character's on the ground, with a little spinning animation to play. There's also a new animation for when the character's in the air, how much they'll lean forward while flying. The biggest update I've made is the collectables, and how they tir into the gameplay.

Before, the player could jump and dash into the air up to 3 times each. Now, I have upgrades that lock it away until purchased with the collectables, creating a sense of character growth. Jumps that you could just about make before are a trifle for you now, enemies that needed 3 hits to defeat now only take 1, more health and faster speeds.

I also wrote a bit of music to play in the background of the level, as well as make a few sound effects.

That's everything I've been up to in the practical! Hope everyone's having a happy new year!

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